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"The state of contentment contains the fullness of Life.

Eveything of value, everything of beauty, everything of meaning is present

in contentment, in santosha. There is nothing more to do...nothing more to seek."

- Goswami Kriyananda

  • 10 Private Sessions

    Series of private classes - in person or online
    Valid for 6 months
    • Drawing on Ayurveda, Energy work, Hatha, Vinyasa, Meditation

Yoga Therapy and

Ayurvedic Yoga


Ayurvedic Yoga acknowledges yoga as a complete and holistic medical system, more than a wellness modality, more than a method of prevention.


The traditional transmission of yoga is one on one, teacher to student. Each session and integrated program with Lea is a detailed and organic, centered and individualized healing.  Real vitality is that which renews our internal energy, to build radiant health through Nature and natural methodologies. 

Each of us has the potential for greater health.  Yoga Therapy addresses the integrating layers of Self, the seen as well as the unseen. As balance is re-set, a higher point of mental, physical and spiritual functioning emerges and is sustained.  Even small, daily changes can have good and lasting impacts on the mind, body, senses and Being.



Healing the whole person brings light to the mind and energy to the body.  Yoga is a smart and ancient classical system that is capable of meeting you where you are.


Lea helps address wounds to the psyche as well as pain and imbalances in the physical body.  Yoga Therapy is given by breath or by sound and through held and moving postures and when in person, with hands on postural enhancements and energy work. 

Symptoms may be reduced from many chronic conditions such as arthritis, asthma, pain, infertility, stress, Lupus, and immune system disorders.  Recovery from poor health & poor energy is promising through Yoga as Therapy.


The work may include:  

Ayurvedic Daily & Seasonal Routines  

Health in balance with the inner and outer environment.

The true medicine of food, life, patterns, herbs, etc.

Energy work 

Clearing the matrix.  Hands on or from a distance.  

Kundalini Kriya Yoga 

Practices which are complete on every level, the seen and the unseen. Prana (life-breath-movement  ), Mantra (transformative sound),

Dyana (meditation), Asana (still and moving postures), deep relaxation.

Renew your spirit. Lea will work with you to develop strength, flexibility, and endurance for life. 


Centered in the stillness of the Self. Meditation brings heightened awareness and a diamond-like mind. Guided meditation, into states of deep relaxation, support healing and an elevated consciousness.


Learn about your unique breath signatureTM for special mind & body rejuvenation.

Sacred sound

Mantras for the subtle web of the nervous system. 


Balanced postures flow on the breath to nourish major meridians.

All lineage styles or component/s as needed for healing.




Contemporary Definitions of Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy is a self-empowering process, where the care-seeker, with the help of the Yoga therapist, implements a personalized and evolving Yoga practice, that not only addresses the illness in a multi-dimensional manner, but also aims to alleviate his/her suffering in a progressive, non-invasive and complementary manner. Depending upon the nature of the illness, Yoga therapy can not only be preventative or curative, but also serve a means to manage the illness, or facilitate healing in the person at all levels. 

 - TKV Desikachar & Kaustaub Desikachar



Yoga therapy is that facet of the ancient science of Yoga that focuses on health and wellness at all levels of the person: physical, psychological, and spiritual. Yoga therapy focuses on the path of Yoga as a healing journey that brings balance to the body and mind through an experiential understanding of the primary intention of Yoga: awakening of Spirit, our essential nature. 

 - Joseph LePage, M.A., Integrative Yoga Therapy (U.S.A.)



Yoga therapy may be defined as the application of yogic principles to a particular person with the objective of achieving a particular spiritual, psychological, or physiological goal. The means employed are comprised of intelligently conceived steps that include but are not limited to the components of Ashtanga Yoga, which includes the educational teachings of yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and samadhi. Also included are the application of meditation, textual study, spiritual or psychological counseling, chanting, imagery, prayer, and ritual to meet the needs of the individual. Yoga therapy respects individual differences in age, culture, religion, philosophy, occupation, and mental and physical health. The knowledgeable and competent yogin or yogini applies Yoga Therapy according to the period, the place, and the practitioner's age, strength, and activities. 

 - Gary Kraftsow, American Viniyoga Institute​


"In a harmonious state of health, things like -

a change in diet,  a shift in external environment,

a new way of thinking about something,

an evolution in the method of yoga practice ...


Can all take place in time as needed,

 with a minimum expenditure of energy." - Lea


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Lea Kraemer Yoga Therapist

Holistic healing is 
a natural way of  bringing
the 5 elements in you
into balance everyday.    

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A real, but approachable practice with Lea.

Take this free class to open up your body's breath and your life's-energy. Replenish yourself for the day, or share with a friend. Standing postures are well adapted for a seated experience.

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Guided evening Yoga with silent contemplations. Meditation is not just for calm, it's the time to sit deeply within yourself.

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