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"The state of contentment contains the fullness of Life.  Everything of value, everything of beauty, everything of meaning is present in contentment, in santosha.

There is nothing more to do … nothing more to seek."  - Goswami Kriyananda


Styles of Yoga 


Led Primary Series 

If deep asana practice is calling you, the First Series of Ashtanga is also called Yoga Chikitsa or “Yoga Therapy".


Utilizing Ujjayi breath and a finely tuned, iconic sequence for majesty & equipoise, focus is on forward bending and twisting postures to rid the body and mind of all tension and stiffness. Before moving on with the Second and Third series, where the nervous system is more deeply impacted, the inflammatory responses of the body are transmuted to be ready for deeper Yogic practice.  75  - 90 minutes. 

Kundalini Kriya Yoga

Prana (life-breath-energy), asana (posture), mantra (transformative sound), visualization and dyana (meditation)


Ancient methodology of consciousness, many of the centuries old techniques come from the yogic legacy of Guru Nanak. 


Kundalini Kriya Yoga's system is healing that can be experienced by anyone with very good results.  Regular, synergistic practice will refine and enhance every aspect of yoga practice!


Opening your heart will renew your senses. Develop greater strength, flexibility and endurance for a wildly healthy life.  

60 - 75 minutes via Zoom.

Tuesday / Thursday -  7:00am PT / 10:00am ET

Sunday 9:00am / Noon ET



The essential, inner architecture of yoga is breath work.  Pranayama impacts the totality of the mind and psyche which transmits to the energy flow of the body.  


Breath work is part of each Kundalini Kriya Yoga class. Meditation on the sacred breath makes life sweet and grounds our higher consciousness.  60 - 75 minutes via Zoom. 

Sunday 9am PT  / Noon ET

Monday 5:30pm PST /8:30pm ET

( Always integrated with evening Hatha )

Vinyasa Yoga

Moving dynamically from asana to asana, pose to pose with constant attention to breath.  


Focus is on balanced power, fluid flexibility and conscious alignment. Vinyasa frees the body of impurities like stiffness and muscle tension, leaving practitioners feeling clear, free and energized.  Vinyasa Yoga is a challenging practice,  appropriate for those with prior experience with asana and the majestic breath called Ujjayi. 


Dyana, the practice of inner stillness, is a neutral focus from which all emotions and concepts can be viewed with equipoise. 


Attune your inner Self.  Meditation classes address the challenges and rewards of developing a consistent practice. Silent and guided meditation into states of deep relaxation support healing and elevate consciousness. 

Tibetan Yoga and guided Meditation is given in Dream Yoga and in morning Kriya Yoga.  Align with the main pillars of spiritual wisdom teachings.  60 - 75 minutes via Zoom.

Monday 5:30pm PT / 8:30pm ET 

Sunday 9:00am PT / Noon ET  

(Second part of Monday class is Tibetan Nidra / Dream Yoga & Meditation.  Sunday class ends in meditation.) 



Beginning Classes

Safe and enjoyable from the start, find a deeper sense of wellness and peace.

An introduction to the practices and for those who would like to go at a slower pace.  Classes give students the opportunity to learn the fundamentals correctly.  

Ayurvedic & Hatha Yoga 

The application of yoga in all of its forms in consideration of the individual doshas, one's physical and psychological constitution.


Create balance through daily and seasonal ritual and routine, sustaining balanced, qualitative health and joy. 

Monday 5:30pm PT / 8:30pm ET


Architectural dimensions_edited_edited_e

Find the irrisistable shape of your practice.

Lea's Online Yoga Class Photos

Schedule an online class

Pay what you can but honor the exchange. 



By donation

via any one of the payment portals below.  

Venmo - @Lea-Kraemer              

PayPal -  

Please note which class/es you are joining to receive a text or email with the zoom link.

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